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At 2RowFlow Cultural Commons we take privacy very seriously. We believe it is sacred.  Our lead Information Architect has selected the architecture of Holochain to be the foundation for the fully realized cultural commons because it allows for Digital Sovereignty. This means that, as a member of this commons you will have the full right and power to control your own data and information on the commons without any interference from outside sources or bodies.


To realize this vision, however, we need to start somewhere and that somewhere is online where all information is currently brokered thru centralized institutions. In some cases, as in the case of Facebook and Google, your information is highly monitored and manipulated to the point where the behaviour of the masses is influenced in order to continue to uphold White Supremacy. 


While representing 2RowFlow Cultural Commons online we seek to be compliant with PIPEDA in Canada for "On June 18, 2015, the Digital Privacy Act received Royal Assent" As Treaty People, from the time of the Royal Proclamation, we are aware of the concept of ROYAL ASSENT and we uphold the honour of the CROWN, this is our duty and obligation as Canadian Citizens. Further, "The Act introduced a number of amendments to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), most of which are now in force." 


At this point in the development of this Cultural commons we have completed the concept stage. We are now doing User Research and are seeking the input of two specific groups of users to help with the design of the prototype. These groups are Settlers and First Peoples. We will be gathering information over the next year on how users groups currently access information about the other ---- specifically about their Laws, Customs and Ways and to also get feedback and suggestions on the design of the commons.


Till we build the prototype and launch the first phase of the commons we feel that we fall under this "business" category in the Digital Privacy Act:  "An organization’s collection, use or disclosure of personal information solely for journalistic, artistic or literary purposes."


While our commons is a Cultural one we will eventually require of Settlers a small monthly fee for the upkeep of the site as a token effort to pay back the Collective Karmic Debt owed to First Peoples of this land. This will require some form of payment and the collection of data for it. We will then comply with banking rules for KYC (Know Your Customer.) When complete, we will consider this commons as a gift to First Peoples. It will provide an opportunity for First People to educate Settlers on issues of importance. The primary role of the commons will be to facilitate the sharing of common Laws, Customs and Ways of Settlers/Immigrants in Canadian Culture and also the Laws, Customs and Ways of First Peoples (including Metis and Inuit) in their various cultures across this land----- as regulated by their own Traditional Laws.


Most of what will be share will be common knowledge to close circles of friends & family in both groups but most likely has never been shared across the two groups. This is because Treaty People know that our media and education institutions in Canada, have, for the last century and a half continued to obscure the truth and keep us apart (Apartheid) and separate in order to uphold their racist policies and white supremacy practices of GENOCIDE. 


We do not take this knowledge lightly and have studied both the Truth and Reconciliation documents created by Canada Government as well as the UNDRIP Declaration of the UN. If there is any knowledge, for example, known by various First Peoples of different Nations, say of ceremonies that are sacred and not to be shared with others outside that society -- we do not expect them to be shared. This commons is not about protecting secret knowledge ---  rather it is about protecting what should have been COMMON knowledge to all Treaty People since the signing of the 2 Row Wumpum Treaty in the 17th Century. Had that been the case we would live in a very different world. 


Please use your common sense when participating in the sharing of information about your culture and share only what you think is common knowledge, that which you would share with those you trust. We repeat ---- share for the purpose of creating TRUST only. It is not about forcing anyone to give up their secrets ways or customs. As for Laws, Colonial Laws should stand as public knowledge. First Peoples laws differ and may be sacred and known only to those who have earned the right to know. Most Settlers know nothing about First Peoples Law as we live under the law of white supremacy. That law states over and over again that WHITES are entitled to white privilege and benefits to the point where they can openly deny that they are racist or that their culture is racist and take it to the bank. (See Colten Boushie and Tina Fontaine case blogs) 


Here are the 10 principles of Canadian Digital Privacy that we follow: 


1. Accountability

2. Identifying purposes

3. Consent

4. Limiting collection

5. Limiting use, disclosure, and retention

6. Accuracy

7. Safeguards

8. Openness

9. Individual access

10. Challenging compliance


This is the context of this commons. We hope this is makes sense. Questions? Please email our Lead Information Architect & Chief Privacy Officer - Susan Koch  -- Posted Feb 10, 2019 

© 2019 Enriched by Code

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